My School Days
By Dedi Turmudi # copyright@2008
I go to school everyday
Six days a week no delay
I am off school only a day
In every week for holiday
Monday is for my blue uniform
Tuesday is for my green uniform
Wednesday is for my contest day
Thursday is for our party day
If you go to school don’t forget
To bring your bag on the back
If you go on foot don’t forget
To wear your shoes and wallet
On Friday is my holiday
Because it is a sacred day
I am off school to pray
In a Masjid with my friends
Saturday and Sunday
I go to school again
It is very useful to sharpen my brain
It’s useful to upgrade my gain
@Created for kindergarten level
Label: My School Day
This picture was taken when I was volunteering as a committee of the Islamic Seminary in Amherst Massachusetts USA in 2006. The view is from the gate where cars may enter the yard and park there. It seems that the picture is old, however, you still can find me wear the shirt and the trousers and even the pair of glasses when I am at campus of UM Metro or at IBI Darmajaya.
I like that picture for some reason. First it always reminds me of being far away from an Islamic community though I could still be a volunteer and do a good deed for my society. Second, It seems that the picture has a magic power whenever I look at it and think about it with spiritual soul. Third, It records my life track when I am a way from my home country. It can be a proof that I spent my time in a good way as reflection of my belief and identity. Finally, It has a unique or unusual view.The mosque in which the Islamic Seminary was carried out is on the top of a Loose Goose Cafe.On the second floor exactly. A contradictory situation where it is possible that the people in the cafe are doing something immoral such as drunken while the people who are inside the mosque are practicing Islamic Sharia such as doing sholat, or ta'lim.
In brief, I like that picture because It has some meaningful reminders that are useful for sustainability of my life as a moslem and a lecturer.
Label: Mosque versus Cafe
Tunggu tulisan berikutnya saat wireless berekerja effective.
Teaching English is neither merely an art how to explain a concept to students. Nor is an art how to give your students a test. It is essentially an art on how to transfer, transmit, and foster knowledge to your students through many kinds of methodologies,and techniques. Therefore, in every stage is a unique approach to assess your students achievement. As it is for final assessment. If you have finished a course and you are confused of how to give your students score, you do not need to worry about it. Moreover if you have no notes or documents about your students development, you might be very upset where to start constructing fair scoring.In this writing, to be honest, I hope you did not worry about it. And if you trust me I have some tips of how to solve this little problem, one of which is by giving a reflection. This model is effectively proven, at least in my experience. Here is the tip how to do that.
1. Ask your students to write a reflection in no more than a page of a sheet of paper.
2. Make sure that your students include some aspects to back up your schema of any individual development.
3. make sure that your students have enough back up data such as peer assessment sheets,and other.
Now, you may start giving this model and you may copy the following model.
Reflection on MT
Round one
In the first round of Micro Teaching class I practiced how to teach (Topik Mengajar Hari itu ). It was my first experience, however, I felt fine. At that time I felt that my teaching was ( perasaan anda ketika mengajar ). I found that there were some problem such as( masalah / kendala yang anada hadapi) …………. Yet I solved all those problem by ( cara mengatasi semua masalah yang anda hadapi).
Round two
In the second round of MT class I practiced how to teach (Topik Mengajar Hari itu ). It was my first experience, however, I felt okay. At that time I felt that my teaching was ( perasaan anda ketika mengajar ). I found that there were some problems such as( masalah / kendala yang anada hadapi) …………. Yet I solved all those problem by ( cara mengatasi semua masalah yang anda hadapi).
Round three ( test)
Finally in the third round of MT class I was tested to teach (Topik Mengajar Hari itu ). It was my real experience, however, I felt (perasaan anda ) because it was shot through a camera. At that time I felt that my teaching was ( perasaan anda ketika mengajar ). I found that there were some problems such as( masalah / kendala yang anada hadapi) …………. Yet I solved all those problem by ( cara mengatasi semua masalah yang anda hadapi).
Regarding my teaching practice from first round until the third one I deserved to get score ( Nilai yang pantas anda dapatkan jujur menurut hati nurani dan kemajuan anda) but I wish I would get ( nilai yang anda inginkan bukan berdasarkan kemampuan atau fakta mengajar. Nilai ini biasanya lebih sama atau lebih tinggi dari nilai kenyataan anda sebelumnya). The score was based on the feedback from my friends and my lecturer. Here is my development score.
Table of Score Development ( example )
Round Topic / theme Fact of my score Wished score
One Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx C B
Two Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx B A-
Three Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx B A
All in all, I felt that joining MT class made me better in developing my teaching skills. Therefore, whatever score I get, I will be ( perasaan dan sikap anda).
Last but not least, ( silahkan tulis saran dan pesan untuk dosen anda) .
By using this model,it will be easier for you to determine the score because you have got any information you need for your consideration.In my experience for example, I got the following critical information:
lFirst, individual development. Second,individual motivation.Third,individual wish and finally, individual skills in organizing ideas and composing sentences. Are you excited to do that?. I hope you are!.
Label: Scoring
By Dedi Turmudi, S.Pd.,M.A TESOL
Often does a lecturer feel confused on how to know the students skills in a certain subject or a course. Let's say in writing. The only known thing by conventional lecturer and even the majority of my lecturers in my undergraduate level were through a pre test. A lecturer assigns the students to write something based on the questions. The result therefore, is considered to be a pretest to know the students real ability or input skills. Hence, as a lecturer, I have different way to do the same thing, though it is reliable and valid. I assigns my students to write a letter called " wish letter."
Here are the steps how to do that in your class.
First, as you attend the first meeting and set up a conference in which you make a deal with them on what you will do and what your students shall do during the whole course, just tell them to prepare a piece of paper. Second, pass out the guide line for the letter they have to write. Third, let them enjoy writing and make sure that everything is clear. Fourth, remind them about timing and let them know that they have 10 minutes left before it ends. Finally you are done with your initial assessment or what is so called pre-test.
In addition here is an example of guideline for you. I hope it may work for your situation. Unless, you can create your own guideline.
Write a letter to me as your lecturer and include the following aspects:
1. Your identity
2. Your education background before University; Kids, Elementary,SMP,SMA, course, etc.
3. Your course ( e.g. in writing 1) before this course and the score you got.
4. What you hope from me as your lecturer and how I can help you ( specific order may be)
5. What goal you want to achieve in this course
6. How are you going to do in order that you can achieve this set up goal
7. Close your letter with a jargon or yell yell that indicate your uniqueness.
Raise your hand if you don't understand during writing this letter.
Good luck.
Thank you.
As you get your students' writing piece, you will find much information about your students related to your course of writing or others. In my case, for example, I found some essential information to bear in mind. They are individual skills in grammar such as; sentence pattern and complexity of sentence, the degree of thought, the unity and coherency, the level of diction or vocabulary. and others.
The gained information, of course, can be used to measure your students achievement at the end of program. But the most important point is that you know exactly the input skills of your students. Implicitly, you have made your students write something beyond their awareness.This means you might know the originality of your subsequent assignments.
Have you ever tried this?. I wish you had. Unless why don't you try this. I bet it will works.
Label: Assesment Model
Every lecturer has different way to asses his / her students. Of course, it depends on the existing belief or theories he or she learned. This happens to my self. As a lecturer I believe that learning is a long process of interaction between a learner and an object. As for assessment, I believe that an assessment is not only in form of test like those conventional lecturers but also it can be done through what is so called " reflection."
Here is what I always do every time I finish a serial chapter such as mid-semester and even final semester. I always assign my students to write a reflection. From this model I found that I could know and understand the original skills my students had.
This also has function as a tool to verify the originality of my students' writing. In addition, I always give my students 3 to 4 take home assignments such as paragraph writing, essay, and articles.
1. What did you learn today? ( concept, theory, or whatever you felt that you learned in today’s session)
2. How did you feel ? ( fine, confused, absent minded, etc.)
3. What hindered your learning today? problems
4. What do you like most of today’s session?
5. What do you dislike most of today’s session?
6. How will you do to improve your achievement in writing ?
Signature :
Name :
Free Translation by Dedi Turmudi, S.Pd., M.A. TESOL
I try to uncover this mystery
between You and me
Who are separated by space and time
That put you into trouble
I feel I have lost
Your love that disappeared long time a go
You have gone so far due to my fault
Who have never admitted you are existed
A romantic love has divided us
Reminding me of you
Passion reminds me
That your love has addicted on my heart
Honestly (honestly) I am unable,
To live without you I am crazy
If only you could
Come back on our love
I would never make you useless again
Label: Intermezzo
My Village
By Dedi Turmudi,S.Pd.,M.A TESOL
If you visit my house you will find it shocking. Because my village is still undeveloped. The streets are stony and dusty.Moreover they are muddy in the rainy season. You may have problem if you drive your motor cycle toward my house. Along the streets, there are no electricity posts. It is likely to get lost at night if you pass by this village. Also, there is no ground telephone line. Few people have mobiles due to bad sign they can receive. People use kerosene light at night. No wonder, you may find my nose black of fumes when I get up in the morning. In the daily life, people use firewood to cook. This is because the gas program and even kerosene are hard to find. Nevertheless, I feel at home in my village because I can breathe fresh air in the morning and listen many birds are singing as I get up every day.
35/13 Negara Ratu, Natar Lampung Selatan 35362, Indonesia
Email:, Phone: +62 81385471415
Date / Place of Birth: March 4, 1968 / Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia
Marital Status: Married with four children
Citizenship: Indonesian
Language: Indonesian, Sundanese, Javanese, English, Arabic, Spanish
12 years of EFL teaching experience in a multicultural environment
Proven organizational and leadership skills
Excellent intercultural and interpersonal communicator
Strong writer in a variety of print contexts
Enthusiastic team member committed to collaboration and organizational success
Skilled in curriculum design process
Knowledgeable in the use of technologies to create an engaging learning environment
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speaker of Other Language (2008)
SIT Graduate Institute of World Learning (formerly School for International Training)
Brattleboro, Vermont, USA
Bachelor of Arts in English Education
The State University of Lampung, Province of Lampung, Indonesia (2003)
Diploma III of English Education ( Transferred to UNILA)
Open University, Jakarta, Indonesia (2000)
Diploma II of English Certification
The State Islamic Institute of Lampung - Raden Intan, Lampung, Indonesia (2000)
Certificate of Advanced General English
Open University, Jakarta, Indonesia (1999)
Diploma III of Islamic Studies
Al Fatah Boarding School, Jakarta, Indonesia (1994)
English Lecturer
University of Muhammadiyah Metro,Lampung, Indonesia (Sep 2009- present)
Instructed EFL, speaking, writing, and TEFL courses for undergraduate levels.
Created, implemented, and evaluated lesson plan and syllabi for undergraduate students.
English Lecturer and Expert
Informatics and Business Institute Darmajaya, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia (Sep 2009- present)
Instructed EFL, business English, and English course for undergraduate levels.
Created, implemented, and evaluated lesson plan and syllabi for undergraduate students.
Created and Consulted, Darmajaya Language Center( DLC) of IBI Darmajaya.
Student Teacher
Tha ard School, Ta Sai Luad School Mae Sot, Thailand (January-February 2008)
Instructed EFL, primarily speaking and writing skills, for children grades 2 to 6.
Created, implemented, and evaluated a syllabus for elementary school students.
English Teacher
Islamic Boarding School of Al Fatah, Lampung Indonesia (1994-2005)
Instructed students in grades 9, 11 & 12 in the four skills for 30 hours per week. Designed language laboratory activities for multiple grades and trained teachers to use it.
Supervised, assessed, and maintained records of students’ progress. Organized informal professional development activities for teachers.
Chairman of Human Resource Development of Al-Fatah Boarding School Lampung.
Indonesia, Lampung, Indonesia (2010- present)
Led and trained teachers in that group of schools with 100 teachers to improve the teachers’ skills and performances. Designed Training Design to Improve teachers’ skills at Al-Fatah Boarding School.
Chairman of Teacher Training and Curriculum Design for Al-Fatah Boarding School( as a volunteer)
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia (2008- present)
Led and trained teachers in that group of schools with 500 teachers to improve the teachers’ skills and performances. Designed English curriculum for kindergarten students at Al-Fatah Boarding School group.
President of Indonesian International Ford Fellows, Jakarta Indonesia (2005-2006)
Led and coordinated 46 Indonesian Ford Fellows during six months of pre-academic training to reach and get accepted at the proposed university around the globe. Organized a meeting with the donor and proposed activities to make the fellows get fresh.
Principal of Junior High School of Al-Fatah Lampung Indonesia (2003-2005)
Led and maintained the school as one of the institutions at Al-Fatah Boarding School.
Organized 35 teachers and 300 students to run the school program. Designed and developed programs to get the school succeeded. Supervised teachers and staffs in implementing the school’s vision and mission. Reported the school progress annually.
Secretary of Literacy Program (2004)
Al-Fatah Boarding School, Lampung Indonesia
Designed, administered, and ran the literacy program at Level A, B, and C as an integral part of National Literacy Movement in cooperation with the government.
Chief of Human Resource Development (2001-2003)
Al-Fatah Boarding School, Lampung Indonesia
Designed teacher development programs and supported teachers in pursuing further professional skills through external trainings and conferences. Planned long and short terms program for teachers to update their professionalism. Selected and distributed human resources to occupy position and to attend seminars, conferences or trainings.
Assistant Director of Student Service Department (1994-1997)
Al-Fatah Boarding School, Lampung Indonesia
Created, and implemented student activities, accommodation, and security. Scheduled extra curricular both sport and language programs weekly, monthly, and annually. Administered the students who took permit to go out or go home in short term. Promoted law and order in the boarding from vulnerable situation.
Certificate of TESOL Academy
Boston University, Boston MA, USA (2007)
Certificate of Upgrading Teacher for High School English Teachers
Department of Religious Affairs, Province of Lampung, Indonesia (2002 and 2003)
Certificate of Teacher Discussion Group of English
LP3A, Province of Lampung, Indonesia (2001)
National Workshop on Teaching English as Foreign Language(TEFL)
Politeknik Negeri Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia (2010)
Teacher Development Workshop: Teaching Pronunciation
The British Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia (2009)
Intensive English Training( IET)
The State University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia (2006)
Basic Statistics Training
Faculty of Economy, the University of Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia (2006)
Intensive English Training
The State University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia (2006)
Intensive English Program
International Language Institute, Northampton MA, USA (2006)
National Training Tutor for Paket A,B,C
Department of Religious Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia (2004)
Training for Competence-Based Curriculum
Department of Religious Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, Lampung, Indonesia (2004)
Intensive English Program for Teachers’ Preparation
Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar (LBB) Sony Sugema College, Bandung, Indonesia (1994)
International Seminar “The Revival of Economy Shariah in The Global Economy Crisis"
Aqsa Working Group, Auditorium Adhyana Antara Jakarta, Indonesia (March- 2010)
International Seminar” Shariah Economy as a Solution of the Global Economy Crisis”
Aqsa Working Group, Auditorium Adhyana Antara Jakarta, Indonesia (August- 2009)
International Humanitarian Conference on Assistantship for Victim of Occupation (Palestine)
National Committee for Palestinian, Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia (October 2008)
New England Ford Foundation International Fellows Conference
Brandeis University, Waltham USA (March 2008)
TESOL Convention Participation
New York, USA (2008)
TESOL Convention
Seattle WA, USA (2007)
Ford Foundation International Fellowship
Institute of International Education, Now York, NY, USA (2006-2008)
Most Valuable Participant for Leadership and Management Training
Al-Fatah Boarding School, Lampung, Indonesia (2004)
Most Valuable Participant for National Training Tutor for level A, B and C
Department of Religious Affairs, Jakarta, Indonesia (2004)
Department of Religious Affairs Republic of Indonesia Scholarship
DEPAG, Lampung Indonesia (2001-2003)
Valedictorian of Extension/Diploma Program
State University of Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia (2003)
Most Valuable Participant for Teacher Discussion Group at LP3A
LP3A, Lampung, Indonesia (2001)
Most Valuable Participant for Teacher Certification Program
State Islamic Institute of Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia (2000)
Most Valuable Participant for Intensive English Program for Teacher Preparation
Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar Sony Sugema College, Bandung, Indonesia (1994)
“Make Your Dream Come True Through Self Developemnt”
a 3 hour workshop, Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Lampung, Indonesia (January 2010)
“Teaching Methodologies for Kindergarten Teachers Term 2”
a 25 hour training, Al-Fatah Boarding School, Jakarta, Indonesia (September 2009)
“Teaching Methodologies for Kindergarten Teachers (Term 1”
a 30 hour training, Al-Fatah Boarding School, Jakarta, Indonesia (December 2008)
“Teaching Methodologies for Kindergarten Teachers”
a 30 hour training, Al-Fatah Boarding School, Jakarta, Indonesia (December 2008)
“ Teaching Methodologies for Secondary and High School Teachers”
a 25 hour training, Al-Fatah Boarding School, Jakarta, Indonesia ( September 2008)
“The Benefits of Bringing Movies into Classroom”
SIT Graduate Institute, Brattleboro, VT, USA (2008)
“How to Teach Modal Auxiliary Verb”
LBB Sony Sugema College, Bandung, Indonesia (1994)
Indonesian Teaching English as a Foreign Language ( ITEFL) Jakarta ( 2010-present)
Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), USA (2006-2009)
Teacher Discussion Group of English, Lampung Province, Indonesia (2001-present)
Senior Consultant
West Java Students Association, Province of Lampung, Indonesia (1997-2003)
Fund Raiser Board Member and Hunting Project
Al-Fatah Boarding School Lampung, Indonesia (1999-2004)
Teacher of English for marginalized students
IEC Kalianda, Province of Lampung, Indonesia (2003-2004)
Teacher of Arabic, “How to Recite Arabic,”
Islamic Community, Brattleboro, VT, USA, (2006-2007)
Editor for Jurnal Aqsa, Jakarta Indonesia
Executive Chairman for Aqsa Working Group International Secretariat, Jakarta
Label: vita
If you are very busy people where you have a limited time to share your experience, you must be in my position. It seems that my life is a tree unbalanced portion of activities.
Mainly, I lecture at campus all days long 5 days a week with two days for public service. Equally my time is for sleeping at night after a whole day working. The rest of my time is for my family life.
Are all those there aspects equally maintained. I wish I could. Sometime, I think to my self what terrible I am. I am a crazy worker yet I am not money oriented. I am hungry of getting more experience to speed up my skills and knowledge. Often do I tell my students," I do not want to like this. If I do, I will be a big looser!. I have to be better and better!. A good income is a thing where you work less but you get payment more. Thus, a bad income is a thing where you work more but you get so so payment."
When I am at home I embrace my kids and say," sorry honey, your dad is a work addicted due to struggling for you future. I don't want you guys like me in the past. I want you to be like me now. You work little, but you get more payment."
This is my first edition of opening my third blog.
If you happen to browse internet you may visit my two other blogs at: